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Alicia Rodriguez Holds Up Nicholas Keith and Patricia Keith To Steal From Me

Wednesday, March 20, 2024. It was reported to me that Alicia Rodriguez pointed a gun at Nicholas Keith and at Patricia Keith to steal my newest mansion that is being built in Newport Beach, California. Amanda Mullis, who has been stalking me for some years now, had been seen associating with Alicia Rodriguez. I know Alicia Rodriguez from Marymount University, where I attended for one and a half years. I met Amanda Mullis as the wife of my upbringing cousin Osiri Keith, Harold L. Keith Jr.'s nephew. A woman by the name of Pat Windsor illegally authorized Alicia Rodriguez to own my new 30,000,000-million-dollar mansion with no financial investment of any kind. Then, Pat Windsor issued a euthonic code to my apartment, as if I was stealing from Alicia Rodriguez when in reality, Alicia Rodriguez used a gun hold-up to try to steal from me. Alicia Rodriguez has stalked me over the years, since 2004 in Chantilly, Virginia, and has sexually pursued men that. she believed pursued me. I don't know Alicia Rodriguez beyond being an acquaintance at Marymount University as a student from the year 2001-2002.

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