On February 27, 2024, at 4:13 PM, people continued murdering me, murdering my infant while he was in my womb and subjugating us, while being shrunken in my body, also seeking to have sex while in a shrunken state in my body, also seeking to have sex with my infant, so that they can overcome me molecularly, cellularly, and genetically. Kate Middleton was also mentioned while I was writing this, who supposedly was entertained with my body parts for some odd reason! I am having a heart attack, going blind, and pausing in poses, without my DNA, and with the shrunken transported invaders from MITRE murdering me, murdering my infant, and murdering my infant's father.
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Aethyrs Aeon Abaivonin Aziagiar Ara, Trade Mark Owner
Oct 2, 20241 min read
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