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A Strange White Woman Called Me A Thug At Carroll's Creek Restaurant In Annapolis, Maryland.

Sunday, June 16, 2024. While I was outside in the parking lot at Carroll's Creek Restaurant in Annapolis, Maryland; I was harassed by an elderly white woman who knew which car I was sitting inside of by myself. As she walked by, she scoffed and said, "You are just a thug, You are a thug and I know it." Lo and behold, some female of South Asian descent who claimed she was my daughter was at the same restaurant waiting to see if she could usurp me, by AIDS-feeding me on national television, and in front of royals. She claims that her name is Gufi Mittal and is doubled. It is a farce to me, she can not be the Gufi Mittal that I know that says she is my daughter. They look nothing alike. She claimed Frieda's idea was that I be held in estrangement at the restaurant.

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