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A Chinese Euthanizer From The Chinese Government Killed My Baby

Saturday, June 1, 2024. After King Fahad bin Laden The Eighth decided to front my corporation to the Chinese Government, King Fahad bin Laden The Eighth received a minimum of two billion dollars. Here are the reasons why I have canceled the business deal that King Fahad bin Laden The Eighth created:

  1. The Chinese Government sent an euthanizer to kill me.

  2. The Chinese Government had an official from their office declare that he would have me killed for not having the account number that King Fahad bin Laden The Eighth created with the Chinese Government's money. The Chinese Government representatives assumed that I had no other business profits and no other offers. That was idiotic period. The Chinese Government could have only been six percent of the corporation, if that, not eighth percent!

  3. The Chinese Government sent a Chinese euthanizer to fumigate my bedroom with me in it and to kill me and the angels that he found in the room. This is not China, you can not kill angels in my apartment just because you find them. That was illegal. The Chinese Government euthanizer also killed one of my white angel babies and stole him from my bedroom, after assaulting me and the angels in the bedroom, by being shrunken with chemical absorption, and wearing a white fumagation suit.

  4. Chinese Government representatives also tried to enter my real estate portfolio, assuming that they were in it and they were not. I owned most of those real estate properties before I met King Fahad bin Laden The Eighth.

  5. Chinese Government Officials also threatened me by yelling and screaming at me for strange black men that I do not know and with whom I do not associate, saying, "Do not have sex with more white men! "Do not have any more sex with white men, that is over!" What!? Who are you? Why does the Chinese Government believe that they can manipulate my relationships with White men? If it's idiotic to summons murder against me for being involved consensually, then why anger me with a business deal that does not need to be? I am not from Turkey. I was born in the United States of America. I am not a Turkish citizen. Patricia Keith told the Chinese Government Officials that I am a whore and that I should not be pestering white men with my ugliness. Patricia Keith just described me to be fat and ugly. Patricia Keith, you need to mind your own business. You do not know how our relationship developed or why we know each other. That is ridiculous commentary, coming from someone that worshipped butt whores and crack whores that never worked. Also, Patricia Keith has no power of attorney over me. No one does. My sexual relationships should be private, no one should be breaking into my apartment to see if White men are in there or if angels are in there. I should not be on film either.

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