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A Child's Upper Torso Was Removed From Her Body In Baltimore, Maryland Over A Drug Deal. A.I. Records.

A female child has been identified as being murdered by upper torso removal from her body. I was told on A.I. implant that she offered a drug deal to a drug dealer and did not have a good scope on what the ramifications are and was murdered. She had a million dollar drug deal idea and it was not honored is what was reported on A.I. implant. The child has been identified as someone that could be related to me genetically, she is African-American at a minimum. There is also another female of a European origin, that assumed she could involve me personally in a drug deal without contacting me or asking any thing. I am not involved in any thing of the sort! I don't know why she used my name! Who ever you are, do not use my name! I am not involved in any thing like that. i never have been. Don't use me. A.I. Records.

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