A child was accused of causing lethal mischief in the lives of adults, by making consistent false accusations regarding his sexual encounters of a pedophiliac nature. He felt the need to give me the blame, even though I was never around him. The child knew who his attackers were and never told law enforcement or his parents who the pedophiles were. He kept it a secret to gain influence and comradery. He swore many times that I had raped at his school, to the police, to the President of The United States, and to his parents. His mother followed me around with a gun and tried to order my euthanasia. In the end, his sexual encounters were with Chantay Carter and not me at any given point. We were never within 2000 feet of one another unless he was stalking me to see how much money I was spending. He was caught on A.I. radar, as having broken into my home, disrobing me, and raping me while I was in a deep A.I. sleep, completely unconscious of anything around me. I never engaged him in any way. I was not awake to encounter his entry into my home or into my room. The A.I. implant's void waned and I woke up to him raping me. I passed out and went unconscious. After he finished raping me with me in an A.I. comparted sleep, he stole diamond jewelry from my apartment and stained my jewelry and clothing with his innards all over my stuff. While stalking me he frequently told people that I was his sex slave. I barely know him. His mother was an acquaintance of my royal abdicacy mother only. I never befriended him or his mother at any point.
So, the loss of his hand in Islamic teachings is to train him not to be a public liar or a public executioner.